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Share Your Experience with Us
Take a minute or less (we timed it) to share your experience for a chance to Win a Year Supply of ERADI-FLY! You're receiving this email if you indicated that you are an ERADI-FLY consumer or if you signed up for ERADI-FLY Proof is in the Pudding Contest. Multiple winners will be selected!
How would you rate the appearance & usability of the packaging of your ERADI-FLY?
How would you rate the overall quality of ERADI-FLY ?
Tell us about your experience with ERADI-FLY
How can we make ERADI-FLY better? If not applicable, type NA.
First Name
Upload an "after use of ERADI-FLY picture" of your cattle, swine or equine.
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Check this box if you want to enter for a chance to win a year supply of ERADI-FLY in proof is in pudding in the as equivalent to one 50lb bag of product that will be available for redemption in Spring 2023 with multiple randomly drawn winners selected and announced on 09/07/22. We are looking to promote ERADI-FLY and testimonials and pictures sent in may be featured in future promotions where you grant permission to Belstra and it's associated companies to reproduce and become the owner of the photographic images for promotional or everyday use which can include website, social media, digital sites, print, publication, and any other mediums to Belstra's desire with no compensation or recognition given to me. Furthermore, you grant creative permission to Belstra to alter or adjust the photographs taken. Your email will not be sold (we don't like spam either).
Enter the Contest
Thanks for sharing your experience
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