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Complete a 5-Question Survey
for a Chance to Win a
Fly Control Prize Pack!
3-winners will be selected!
The Grand Prize Fly Control + Ultimate Cool Prize Pack Value is Greater than $595!
No purchase necessary to enter the contest. Must own cattle, swine, and/or equine and be 18 or older to participate.
1. What product(s) do you use for fly control?
aerosol spray
Diflubenzuron related product
If you aren't currently using ERADI-FLY, why are you not?
2. What fly factor(s) made you look into fly control (select 1 or more)?
to achieve better animal skin health from less fly bites
to get improved animal stress levels
to benefit with more productive/happier animals due to less flies
to help avoid contaminated feed from flies
to reduce disease transmission or secondary infections from fly bites
to receive less flies biting you and/or in your home
all of above
3. Which animal species do you have (select 1 or more)?
4. How many total cattle, swine or equine do you have?
1-10 Animals
11-24 Animals
25+ Animals
5. Which state do you live in?
Choose an option
Check this box to be entered into the fly control prize pack drawing (scheduled on 6/15/22 at 12 pm CDT) and to receive ERADI-FLY blog emails from Belstra Milling Company with animal fly control info. Your email will not be sold (we don't like spam either).
Email address
Enter the Contest
Thanks for submitting your entry!
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